Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


I wanna be adored

Now that I look back at what I wrote yesterday, I see that I built all of it on a cliche. From what I have read people often list going to the dentist and paying their taxes as their greatest fears. Well, neither of them would make my top ten list of things that I fear. Nor would public speaking, which also seems to make the top five somehow. For me the list would include things like being shot, getting cancer or going blind. In my mind physical distress is more frightening than mental stress.

While lying in bed this morning, I decided that I'm going to have to lower the awning outside my bedroom window. I may not do it tomorrow, but I do need to do it sometime soon if I want to get any sleep during the day. In winter I didn't mind the sun shining in on me, but with the warmer temperatures, shade is much better. Thankfully this year I won't have to fall asleep with the hum of the air conditioner above my head.

With the recent excitement at work having died down, everything seemed to fall back into the usual routine today. I slept a healthy amount and woke to gaze at the television and go online until I had to repeat the process of going to work once more.

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