clouds of jupiter


passed that bastard

At ten thirty this morning, I was a very happy man. It didn't matter that a cold rain was falling when I walked outside. I had finally passed the exam that had been haunting me for most of February. All of my studying finally resulted in something good. The relief that I felt was almost unreal.

Okay, graduate school might be on hold for me at the moment, but I still have a good chance at getting a better job now that I have my certification in hand. Yes, I am suddenly changing my focus from the academics to the career and that may or may not change in the future. I can't say yet. What I can say is that Australia comes before I make any real decisions.


By four this afternoon most of the excitement of the morning had worn away. There had been other things to do this morning after some phone calls were made and emails were sent. Laundry had to done and there was the rest of Jack Maggs to read for tomorrow. Any more celebration would have to wait until tomorrow or maybe next weekend.

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