new mexico utah

Last night was the start of a six day work week for me and I think that I had a good beginning. Hopefully that feeling of good will carries through to the end of my tour of duty.

The mood at work has been tense the past few weeks, but for the most part I have been able to look past it. With school and the trip to Australia on my mind work seems fairly unimportant. However having just said that I am debating whether or not I should ask for a raise before I leave on my trip.

Some of my reasons for asking would be that I've been here close to three years now and my salary has yet to refect that amount of commitment. Plus with that certification under my belt I am certainly worth more money than when they hired me.

Obviously a few things are standing in my way. One of which is the overall tension that I just mentioned. Secondly I know that three other people in the department have also recently asked for raises and only one of them was given one and she was instructed to keep it a secret. Sigh. Office politics, I hate them.

I guess that it all comes to how much they truly value me as an employee. Whatever their answer might be, I know that once I get back from the trip I am going to be more than ready for a change. School will be over and I'll have nothing else to distract me from work. Money will be everything at that point and they may or may not realize what is going through my mind now.


Last night the telephone rang at work and I answered it since it falls under my job description. It was Ann. She had a favor to ask of me. She was at the hospital and needed someone to pick her up and take her home. I said that I would be there as quick as I could.

It was the first time in years that I had set foot in a hospital, but I was going to be there for her. I had said that I was willing to help and I meant it.

A number of women have riden in my car, but this was first time one of them was having contractions. No, she wasn't going to have the baby just yet. That was why they were sending her home. The timing was off as though she were a car or a bomb about to explode.

As we drove to her place she kept telling me that she wasn't going back. More than anything she was exhausted from the past few days and being there didn't help. She even went on to say that she would rather have the baby at home than deal with nurses again. As she talked I listened while trying to miss all of the bumps in the road.

This was it. No more work for her or at least not for a while. The doctors wanted her to stay at home in bed.

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