the other extreme

After work this morning, I went back to the hospital to see Ann and her baby. She was going home today, but I said that I would visit her one more time.


It was so warm in my house that I was almost sweating when I woke up early this evening. The heat may not have have been on, but with the spring weather outside, it was hovering close to eighty degrees inside my house. For me that is not something that I like. It was almost so warm that I couldn't breathe.


Disturbing confession. I read something that had to do with wrestling. In the lastest issue of Premiere magazine I read an interview with Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock from WWF fame and he actually seemed rather bright if not human. According to the interview, he wants to make the transition from the ring into the world of movies and is hoping that The Mummy Returns will make this happen for him.

Well, I'll go see the movie, but not because of him. I want to see the English beauty Rachel Weisz, who seems to be making an appearance on almost all of the television talk shows.


I find it odd that in this age of uber technology the masses still clamor for something like wrestling. Then again the movie Gladiator was considered by many to be a good film.

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