we laughed tonight Now this might sound selfish, but today I am not going to talk about what is happening in the country. No, instead I want to talk about me. I want to bring the focus back to my inner world just for a moment. This doesn't mean that I don't care, but at the same time I need a break. I can't take seeing the same footage anymore and the media is really starting to grind on my nerves. Plus the phrase knee jerk reaction keeps going through my mind. I don't want to talk about the gas gouging that happened here in Milwaukee and the panic that went with it. I don't want to talk about the hate phone calls made to local Islamic centers here. I don't want to talk about the calls for revenge stirred up by the media. I want to talk about me and what is important to me. ... For me today was a great day. As my boss was handing out checks, he said that he wanted to speak with me before I went home for the day. When he said this I had a vague idea of what he might have to say and I was right. Looking back through the journal I saw that I had gotten a raise at this time last year and that is exactly what happened today. Not only did I get a raise, but I also got promoted. The promotion also gave me the largest pay increase that I have seen since my time with the company. I don't think that my night at work could have ended better. ... Her and I went to see a play tonight. It was the first time that we had seen each other in almost two weeks. No, maybe it was more than two weeks. The recent events in the world have played havoc with my sense of time. What I do know is that it was the first time that we had gotten together since the moment of panic between us. When I went to pick her up, She looked the same as the last time that I had seen her. In fact she looked as lovely as ever, a little sad perhaps, but I wasn't going to pry. Then one of the first things that she said when she got in the car was that she had thought of not going out because she had had such a bad day, but she didn't. I said that I was glad that she hadn't changed her mind and that tonight we were just going to forget about everything and have fun. It was just going to be the two of us. Of course we couldn't completely escape the rest of the world. As we drove to the playhouse, there were people standing outside in front of their houses holding candles. We knew why and felt a little odd going to see a play, but the world does have to go forward and at the moment she was the most important person in the world to me and I wanted her to be happy. Before the play started they acknowledged the fact that yes events were strained at the moment, but even in times of past tragedy the theatre has been know to carry on and in some ways do its part to keep people alive. The play The Front Page made us laugh. I had seen the Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell film His Girl Friday based on the play so I was curious to see what was different about the play. Besides the gender reversal the two of them were essentially the same. This is my third season as being a ticket holder and She was the first person that I had ever taken with me. It felt good to have her sitting next to me and I would glance over every once in a while to see her reaction. On the drive home we talked some more, trading home buying stories and so on. To sum up things are still good between us and I think that the night did the both of us some good. She makes me happy and she said that I made her happy. I don't think that I could ask for anything more in life.