atom fell backwards Night of the Iguana. There are certain films that I must watch no matter how much I might have missed. Iguana is one of them. The bus with the church women was leaving the resort when I saw it on the television and I knew that I would have to sit down until the end. Something about the film truly appeals to me. Maxine, Shannon and Hannah are struggling with life and that is something that I understand. That kind of a story is something that is worth my time. I like people who ask questions. I like people who don't stay on the surface. Maybe I ask too much from life. Most people who know me know that I have a fondness for the MGM and Universal films from the 1950's and Night of the Iguana falls into that category. Another good example would be Rear Window which I picked up on dvd from the library. If I have time I'll try to watch it tomorrow. ... Movies in general have disappeared from my life over the past few months. Once again there just hasn't been time. The last film that I saw in the theater was A.I. and I can't remember the last time that I rented something. Maybe that will change now that I've settled into my new place. Besides the Oscar material should be coming out soon. ... A year ago today I wrote in the journal: Sometimes I have to wonder why men and women even try to be with one another. Everything seems to turn sour in the end. I'm still wondering.