must free myself

All that I wanted to do when I got home this morning was sleep. Work was calm enough, but the recent conversation with my boss had still been lingering in mind and I needed to put some distance between that nonsense and the rest of my life. Nor did I want any more dreams about work no matter how metaphorical they might be. I need to keep work out of my private life. Ann kept telling me to just forget it, but it still festered in my mind.

Oh, I do have another comment about the dream and what it meant to me. The shop class was so appropriate for what I have been feeling lately. Those people from that time in my life parallel the people that surround me today.

Let me explain.

I work with people who seem to have a high school mentality in that they do what they are told and seem to be content with what work offers. Very seldom do they have any aspirations to do better in life and that drives me insane. Sigh. Of course this is what happens to me when I don't have school to divert my attention to the mundane if not mind numbing world of work.

In all honesty I would have no aversion to beating the shit out of my boss right now. Yes, I know that violence is not the answer, but being able to hit him just once would be so satisfying. Then again he is so out of shape that it wouldn't take any effort on my part to inflict serious injury. Nor do I want to ruin my life for a piece of dirt like him.

Okay, now that I sound mildly psychotic, I'll change the subject.


My buddy Nicole looked very upset if not overwhelmingly mad when I saw her walk into work Saturday night. Eventually I got to speak with her on the phone and got the whole story. It seems that her son was hurt before she came into work and her fiance was partly responsible for it happening. Her boy fell while she was asleep and no one in the house noticed, because he had turned off the monitor in their room.

Listening to her made my worries seem far less important. Nor was there anything that I could do to make her feel better or correct the situation. I hope that she can come up with some kind of solution, but I won't know the answer to that question until Thursday when I'll get to see her again. I guess if I really wanted to know I could email her before then.


Oh, I did get one positive thing done today. I got my car washed. For weeks now it has been covered in multiple layers of salt and it was starting to bother me. Milwaukee may not have had that much snow, but the city has been more than liberal with the salt on the road and all of it seems to adhere to my car.

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