the day before

Ann. I often wonder how many words have been devoted to her here. We have never been involved nor will we ever be yet she still has a limited impact on my life that never seems to go away. I guess that one could describe our relationship as odd if not vaguely unhealthy at times, but it is certainly there and evolves from time to time.

I can not remember anyone like her ever being in my life before nor could I have ever invented her if I hadn't met her.

Somehow through the course of events I have become her confidant, her supporter and at times someone to rescue her. She wants, she takes, she shares and I am there. There are days where I wish that she would find herself a girlfriend to talk with about these matters instead of me. That kind of arrangement would probably be better for the both of us. Then again I suspect that she has as many problems with women that she does with men.

I have no interest in Ann, but I do still have problems freeing myself from her emotional entanglements the latest of which happened Tuesday night. If I were her boyfriend it would be understandable, but I am not the one that she is after so I just let it go. Her anger can only affect me so much and I let her sulk when she feels the need to do so. Naturally I got the explanation for the silent treatment and was surprised how highly she regards me.

I never meant to place myself in that position.

Maybe this makes me sound like an ass. I don't know.

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