missing some days There wasn't any sun on my way home from work this morning, but I think that I had enough sun from floating around the pool on Monday to last me a few more days. All that I need to do is look in the mirror at my stomach to remind me. The darth maul pattern isn't as severe today, but I clearly didn't lather on enough lotion in certain areas. My shoulders and upper chest are fine, but I have what one might call a pink belly except that mine is more of a lobster red. At least there isn't much pain and I have a feeling that it might subside into a tan by the weekend. ... My boss said that the company is going to be hiring another person to work third shift in my department. A new person would bring the total count to three people, which I think is overkill, but on a positive note it should make covering vacations easier. Plus with a new person coming onboard there is a chance to change my schedule to something more tolerable, such as a four day work week instead of my current five. Of course none of this has happened yet so I'm not letting myself get too excited. ... Last night Ian Wright made his way through Chile and that meant that I spent part of the early morning hours online looking to see if I could get there easily enough or if there was something there that he didn't mention that would keep me away. From what I read the country seems safe enough with the days of Pinochet gone, but I still have to do more reading before I add it to my list of places to visit. Although the Patagonia area with the glacier did peak my interest one other time. ... Something must have bitten me while I was sleeping yesterday, because I now have two incredibly itchy spots on the left side of my body. One of them is on my arm and the other one is on my leg. Both of them are vaguely swollen and itch, itch, itch. I don't remember hearing the buzz of any mosquitoes, so I guess that it was something else, be it a spider or some other more bizarre insect that I do not want to see.