set of friends Last night I watched a Ken Burns documentary on Thomas Jefferson. Yes, despite my disinterest in modern day politics, I do like American history. Then again Jefferson is on a far higher plane than the current leader of America. I had heard the story told before in some history class or somewhere on television, but knowing that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died within hours of one another on the same day always gets to me. What makes the day even more unique is that both of them died on the fiftieth anniversary of the Fourth of July. Before that day happened the two men wrote letters to one another for years and it was clear the two of them admired and valued the friendship of the other. I think that that kind of friendship is amazing and made me start to think if I knew anyone in my life that way. The only person that came to mind was my friend Dan in California. We've known one another for almost fifteen years now and he has to be one of the oldest friends that I still talk with on a regular basis. Any of the people that I knew in grade school have fallen away from me long ago and friends from high school have also dropped off to the side. As I was saying to Jen the other day, people seem to come and go in my life. There will be a group of friends and then slowly my interests and or circumstances in life will change and a new group of friends will enter into my life. Knowing that this is what happens makes me curious as to who will be with me ten years from now. |