seven days off

Going back to work after a seven day vacation is not an easy thing to do or at least it isn't for me. I had thought that I was ready to slip back into my usual routine, but apparently I wasn't. The more relaxed schedule of just school and sleep was so much easier on my system and was something that I had come to appreciate without even trying.

Then starting Sunday night all of my free time was taken over once again by work and put me into overdrive for the next couple of days. The running around may have ended at two thirty in the afternoon today, but the blur of activity had left me very confused. Even though I was free again, I couldn't think clearly enough to decide what I wanted and or needed to do next.

I'm not saying that the past few days were awful. I'm just saying that they took more energy out of me than I had imagined they would. Now I have to get back into the habit of writing again after I was doing so well on my vacation.


Since I was so tired, the idea of not going to class this afternoon was very tempting. Then I thought about it some more and it seemed a little odd to miss during the final week of class when I had been there for every other class this semester.

Thankfully class was worth staying awake a little longer. Not only did I get some information about the final, but I got to see my crush looking the best that she has all semester. Even though I was late she still managed to walk into the room after I did, which wasn't that surprising. What was surprising was what she was wearing. Oh, it wasn't anything exotic or unusual, but I must confess that for me a white sweater on a woman is often more alluring than lingerie.

Yes, even when I am tired I can still have those kinds of thoughts.

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