showing the photos Yesterday was the first day since I got back to the United States that I was able to think clearly. Going back to work without a break from New Zealand kept things moving for me, but I didn't give me much time to think. I didn't mind though, because most of my time at work was spent in a daze. It was anything but stressful. ... Tonight I showed my parents the photos from my trip and the few souvenirs that I bought. I tend to focus on things that are easy to carry and unique in some way to where I spent my time on vacation. So for New Zealand this meant that I came home with three pieces of tree fern that look as though they have been carved but haven't. The pattern on the wood is completely natural and was the inspiration for the tattoos that the Maori carved into their skin. In addition to the tree fern samples, I also bought a small amount of greenstone. For me that was enough to remind me of where I had been. Besides the photos are even more personal to me than anything that I could buy in a store. ... When I was in New Zealand every day was a sunscreen day. If I hadn't greased myself up on a daily basis, I would have been a painful shade of red instead of a dull brown by the time that I got home. All that it took was one afternoon on a boat to get me to buy some sunscreen. One must remember that the water reflects everywhere and ice does the same thing. For being autumn the sun shone every day that I was there except for the very last day of my trip. I couldn't have asked for anything better considering the fact that they measure rain there in meters not centimeters. Now that I'm back in Wisconsin, I'm in the midst of a gray and damp spring that is anything but cheerful. Most of the time it just makes me sleepy. ... Looking back at what I wrote a year ago, I see that I keep my promises to myself. I said that I was going to go to New Zealand and now that a year has passed it has happened. I also see that I said that I would go to China the following year and that is still my plan. However, I want to see if I can't go to Russia first. If that could happen late this year it would be perfect. When I was in Rotorua I met a couple from Queensland Australia who had been to both St. Petersburg and Moscow three times. They said that I would love it there. I am hoping that they are right. |