amazing race thursday The clowns got eliminated at the end of tonight's episode and I suspect that that will make the program a little less fun to watch for the remainder of the season. As they often said, the two of them never took things that seriously and because of that fact they were more likable if that makes sense. Other teams may be more interesting to other viewers because of their melodrama, but Jon and Al were the other side of real. Despite the fact that they were performers in a circus, how they acted and talked made sense to me. They represented the better side of humanity instead of greed and deceit. Something about the show truly appeals to me and it has nothing to do with what team may or may not win. There are too many unpredictable factors to even out the chances of who could be the final team. I like seeing how arrogant some of the teams can be when interacting with the local people. More often than not they get very upset when they can't find someone who speaks English. Sigh. |