say goodbye neo Not having slept well, I found it hard to concentrate on much of anything today and that ruined the day for me despite the change in weather for the better. For example, there was some reading for class that didn't get done and my attempt at it before class was pathetic. Plus I have yet to come up with an idea for my final paper and I have to have one soon, because I have to submit one next week Thursday. Then there is the observation report that was discussed on Tuesday that I didn't rework at all even though I had planned on doing so. Sadly those three things are going to be with me through my four day work week and I am hoping that I can finish all three by the time that I leave work on Tuesday morning. I need to have one day of my week free from responsibility and Wednesday should be that day. ... Matrix Revolutions. Sigh. Where do I begin? I guess that I should start by mentioning that I had very low expectations for this movie. After seeing the second one earlier this year, I feared that the third one would be a disappointment and now having seen it I can say that it successfully met that goal. Unlike other people no effort was made on my part to read anything about the movie before I entered the theater. Part of me would like to say that I wanted a fresh viewpoint and that meant staying away from any spoiler sites or other speculations that might be floating around online, but that wouldn't be true. After seeing the second one I almost lost all interest in the concept that was at the heart of the first one and knew that if they hadn't filmed the second and third at the same time there probably wouldn't have been a third installment. For me there was very little connection between the first and second movies and maybe part of me suspected that this trend would be continued with the third one. Once again that is exactly what happened. To be fair I didn't laugh as much as I did during the second one, but the theme of the third movie seemed to be guns with very little attention to previous plot threads. Any mysticism from the second one was further muddled this time and I am convinced that the writers were making the story up as they filmed it. There weren't any answers given to the questions posed in the second installment. Instead there was an assault of computer generated effects that left me unimpressed. Oh, I have no doubt that this third movie will make money, but part of me hopes that bad word of mouth will make this the last installment. There was so much wasted potential in what was started with the first movie and I wonder if the creators knew that this was happening or even cared. Thankfully they kept the slow motion frozen in midair fighting poses to a minimum, because that image was beat to death before the second movie even opened in the theaters. |