using prime numbers

When I walked out of work this morning, my mood was so much better than yesterday. The weekend was here and I was free once again to put the mindless world of work behind me for three days. I had better things to do with my life than argue with my boss about what I should be doing at work and the weather was cooperating with me. The forecast has said that today was going to be a great summer day and that is exactly what I got.


A friend of mine from work had given me the movie Cube to watch. Before I watched he had warned me that it got repetitious towards the end so I kept that in mind when I started to watch. Now having seen the movie I can understand what he meant, but it didn't bother me that much. Actually that was his main complaint with the movie otherwise he said it had to be one of the most unique movies that he had ever seen and I agree with him.

Cube has the very simple premise of a group of people trapped in a room and how they manage to escape. At first I was afraid that it was going to be a blood and gore horror movie. Thankfully it was more of a modern day episode of The Twilight Zone complete with commentary on what motivates people.

I not only saw elements of The Twilight Zone, but homages to Alien and or Ten Little Indians. The fact that they were going to die one by one was made obvious to all. If the movie had only been about them dying then it would have been disappointing, but as I said it wasn't.

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