moonlight sonata thunder

Work rewarded me with a blissfully quiet night to precede my weekend, but I was too tired to fully enjoy it. Sigh.

Internet radio triggered some more downloads today. Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control and Eastmountainsouth were the primary groups. I also felt the need to have some Beethoven and opted for the Moonlight sonata. Dadaist song structure gave way to bluegrass alternative country and finally ended with classical. I'm not sure what I liked the best out of the group. It may take me another day or two to reach a decision. There was too much for me there to absorb in one sitting.

Evening television started with the Amazing Race and ended with the Olympics both of which had me asking questions. Watching the teams move through Africa I often wonder how much the presence of the camera crew affects both the teams and the people who they meet. Does that array of technology make things easier for them or does it work against them? Do the local people know that they can take advantage of these silly Americans playing a game or they do they see them as something to avoid?

As for the Olympics, how does one get so involved in volleyball? I loathed the sport in high school and haven't played since that time. Despite my dislike of the sport I sat through the fourth and fifth matches between the American and Brazilian team. Over and over the ball goes over the net as players bounce off the floor. I swear that someone was either sprawled and or getting back up after every hit of the ball.

The weather forecast had said rain all day, but it wasn't after the sun had set that the sky finally opened up. So the humidity kept me awake and lethargic for most of the day. It was not what I wanted.

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