source of woe

Work was far more stressful than I wanted for a Saturday night Sunday morning, but when I walked out the door I didn't have any problems falling asleep. The hours of calling for more support were behind me and there was nothing else that I could do.


Before I fell asleep this morning, I got my place ready for winter by sealing up my air conditioner the best that I could. A simple device that makes my sleep possible in summer becomes a source of woe for me in winter. If I didn't do anything to it, it would act as a sieve all winter long and that is not what I want to happen. Already this season I could feel a breeze coming through the grate and I knew that I would have to do something soon to stop it. So this year in addition to sealing the inside with plastic, I caulked a piece of insulation onto the exterior and then covered that with a plastic bag that I previously bought. Now instead of two layers of insulation on the inside of the unit, I also have two layers on the outside and I am hoping that that will make a difference this winter.


Once I finished my home improvements, I did some more online Christmas shopping and once again made some serious progress. I'm already expecting one shipment of gifts from Amazon to arrive this week to be wrapped by me and at this rate I probably get the rest at either the end of this week or the beginning of next week. I had hoped to get everything bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving and I might just make that deadline.


I think that Amazon may have been recommending them to me, but I didn't bother sampling their stuff until I heard a song on SOMA FM. Now I am hooked on the song Gender Bombs by The Stills.


I've started to exercise again and it feels good. My body needs that activity and I see no reason to stop with the holiday season approaching. Besides with all of the holiday food coming my way soon I'll need to keep even more active. I wish that I could remember why I started to taper off at the end of October. For a while it was almost part of my daily routine. Then something changed. Whatever the reason might have been, I don't want it to happen again.

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