half price dentist This morning after work I had a dentist appointment, but there was some time to spare before I had to be there so I made a stop at Half Price Books. My reason for going there was simple. I was on the hunt for some good back issues to add to my comic book collection and I think that I came away a winner having spent only six dollars. After much deliberation and searching, I walked out the door with the following books: Batman and the Outsiders #4
For the longest time, I have read nothing but praise for this book and I am fond of Jim Aparo's artwork, so this wasn't much of a risk for me. Plus I wanted to see what if any characteristics of this earlier run are being used in the current incarnation with Nightwing filling the role that Batman once held within the group.
Batman Family #20
In my opinion, anything with the Earth 2 Huntress in it is worthwhile reading, so when I saw her on the cover, this was quickly added to my pile. Plus this was on the older DC books that touted a sixty eight page count with no ads. That was another strong selling point for me. Seeing the Jim Starlin cover also nice.
JLA #14
Grant Morrison had his epic run on JLA when I had stopping reading any comic books, so I am still trying to complete that run. Another chapter in the Apokolips story made this find even better.
Legion of Super-Heroes #269
Levitz era Legion will always hold a special place in my memory and this issue occurs about a year after one that has been in my collection for over twenty years. One of the first issues that I ever read had a very excited Shrinking Violet on it pointing to her team mates being arrested and taken away by the Science Police. At that time, I had no idea who these people were or why they were being arrested. I was just intrigued by their costumes and wanted to know their relationship to Superboy.
Nightwing #10
I didn't sample any of this title until the recent Devin Grayson run so I was curious to see what the early years under Dixon had to offer. The Scott McDaniel art was an added bonus.