chinatown globe trekker

Today was one of the best Tuesdays that I have had in a long time, because I felt completely relaxed all day and didn't feel as though I wasted the day in any way. Usually Tuesdays tend to be days where time slips away from me and I regret it.


The episode of Globe Trekker that I saw tonight had first aired in June, but I had missed it then so I was determined not to miss it this time around. The subject was not a single country, but instead focused on Chinatowns found throughout the world. I was well aware of the Chinatown in New York and the one in San Francisco, but the fact that there was one one in Lima, Peru was completely new to me. It seems that Chinese workers were imported to work in the guano fields there.

Later this year I think that I will see the Chinatown in Vancouver when I go there for a visit in December.

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