Witches and Ewoks

I was thinking about the name Endor from yesterday's entry. Then I remembered where I heard the name. It is not from Shakespeare. Endor is the forest moon where the Ewoks live. Or maybe the witches are from Endor and Lucas borrowed the name. Endor sounds Scottish to me. I don't know anymore. Then again those witches did kind of look like Ewoks in their cloaks. They weren't furry, but they were all raggedy. Hail thane of Cawdor.

This morning started out slow. I woke up on time, but soon lost all of that extra time trying to defrost the windshield of my car. I was silently cursing the rental agency for not giving me a scraper with the car. C'mon, I arrived in town the day after a twelve inch snowstorm and they don't give me a complimentary scraper. I bought one during my lunch break today.

This week should be much smoother than last week. First of all I don't have to move to a different hotel this week. The second reason is that class goes from nine to four this week instead of eight to five.

Tonight was completely unproductive. Most of it was spent on this charming little laptop with the television in the background. Tonight's selections on HBO included The Phantom and The Truth About Cats and Dogs, an action adventure followed by a nice romantic comedy.

On a completely different note, I need a haircut.


