A Minor Accident

Class went well today. We have a new instructor for the week. This final class looks as though it will be the most in depth one yet. Each lab builds on the previous one. I seem to be keeping up so far.

In class this morning, I thought about my leaving my company to join this one here. They are the ones who make our software. I would get to travel to different locations and help setup the system for the customer. Its just a thought for now. For the moment, I have a certain amount of loyalty for my company. My opinion might change in the future though.

I like to have plans for the future. I need to build toward something. In the next few weeks, there are the holidays and my birthday to occupy my time. Next year I want to do some more travelling. My friend Dan from Appleton is going to California in either January and February. He invited me to go with him. His old college roommate lives there, so we would have a place to stay.

California would be a first for me. I have never been west of the Rockies. Hawaii doesn't count. I am talking about the mainland.

If I don't go to California, I want to go to Australia. My original plan had been Europe before I was thirty. Plans can change though. Lately I have been longing for more open spaces than crowded spaces. Europe is people on top of people. I want to see the outback not history.

There are times when I wonder why I bother to read the newspaper. Today I read about the woman who left her newborn baby in the toilet at Disney World. What was going through her mind? I can understand that she must have been frightened, but c'mon what happened to the cliche of leaving the baby in a basket? Humanity really disappoints me sometimes. How can someone value life so little? I have no sympathy for that woman.

Ugh. My almost perfect day was ruined by this woman in her car tonight. I was in my car at a yield sign behind this woman. We were waiting for the cars to pass. Its a very busy intersection. Then she started to move. I looked to see if anyone else was coming from the left and started to move. Then she stopped for some reason. So of course I stopped into her. My car was fine, but there was a small dent in her bumper. Purely cosmetic. We'll see if she reports it to my insurance company.

I was upset for a while, but I have calmed down now. I really don't want my insurance to change because of this one incident. The woman almost got hit by another person when she left the parking lot. She hestitated again. This person just honked at her and stopped in time. Oh, when we were exchanging information she said that she had been in another accident not too long ago.

I must be getting more mellow each year. I was upset for only about an hour. I even kept most of the cursing to a minimum. Anyone who has know me for a while has heard me swear for minutes on end. That is not one of my better traits.

Well I am going to relax by watching Michael Collins on HBO and work on my Irish accent. Did ya ha' ta let it ling'r?

Actually if I had an Irish accent no one would be able to understand me at all. Sometimes I slur my words or let them trail off when I am talking. Plus there is a slight hint of a lisp. The "s" sound is very distinct when I talk. Safe sex becomes shafe shex or at least that is what some people have told me.

I can understand almost any English or Irish accent though. It must have been from all those years of watching Doctor Who and The Prisoner on public television.


