Small Children

I had my first taste of Christmas this afternoon, when my mom's side of the family got together. There were a total of eleven grandchildren and I think that they are all under the age of ten. I could be wrong though. Either way its been a long time since I've seen that many children all at once.

By the way these are my cousins children not my immediate family. On my mom's side of the family all of my cousins are older than me, so most of them have already started families of their own. I seem to be lagging behind.

My aunt had hired a clown to entertain, which was a little painful for me. Ever since I was little I have never like clowns. They really bother me. I just don't understand why people find them funny. I think that they are creepy.

Besides that social function I did very little else today.

I plan on just relaxing tomorrow. Maybe do some cleaning and catch up on some reading. Besides I still have to work most of next week.

I had a list of books that I wanted to read this year and haven't read one of then since April of this year. I do like to read its just that I spend most of my time reading magazines instead of books.

Reading is something that I do in cycles. Earlier this year I was reading quite a bit. Then it tapered off in the summer when I got outside more.

Whenever I do read books one of two things happens. Either I read the book in three days straight or I linger on it for weeks and eventually abandon the book. Its been that way for years. The only exception was when I was in college. Then I had a reading schedule that I had to follow or else I would be lost in lecture.

I always enjoyed hearing what other people thought of what we were reading. True there were a few people who would tell the professors exactly what they wanted to hear, but the people who didn't were far more interesting.

So maybe I'll start a book tomorrow.





