One Step Forward

Today I actually learned something new at work. Someone noticed that I was bored with my job and needed something else to occupy my time. Soon I was being taken aside and shown something new on the system. I was being challenged. I was being asked to think again. Then I started to think that maybe all of my pouting had finally paid off. The hours of trying to look busy would end. Unfortunately, the rest of the day went down hill from there, because the lesson only lasted an hour.

I know that I have said it before, but Tuesdays are the worst for me. Today was more taxing than usual because I had been so efficient last Friday and left nothing to do for today or yesterday.

I want to start reading poetry for some reason. Poetry was not my best topic in college, but I still read about three semesters worth of it. Some of it stayed with me and the rest went right through me. I can appreciate poetry and the amount of effort behind it, but have never felt the desire to create any of my own.

The New Yorker had an article about the new Lolita film that is coming out soon. This is yet another classic book that I know about, but have never read. So many books seem to fall into that category. I believe it was Mark Twain who defined a classic as a book that no one reads, but everyone knows by name.

I wonder how much of my life I spend half asleep, because what I see around me really doesn't interest me? I am so detached from work that I don't even feel like complaining about it today.

Stress is something that is a part of the modern world. People deal with it in their own way. My way is a combination of complaining, swearing and just some quality time by myself where no one can bother me. This method does not seem to make Brenda happy. Well, she has to realize that I have bad days. Most people seem to recognize this in me. The problem is that she seems to have taken my outburst personally today.

I can not be something that I am not.

I know why I don't leave work even on days like today. Part of me realizes that I am on to a very good thing and it can only get better. If I keep moving forward in this field I should be able to do contract work somewhere down the line.

I could be wrong I could be right
I could be wrong I could be right
I could be black I could be white
I could be black I could be white
I could be white I could be black
Your time has come your second skin
The cost so high the gain so low
Walk through the valley
The written work is a lie
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
Could be wrong I could be right
I could be wrong I could be right
I could be black I could be white
I could be right I could be wrong
I could be black I could be white
They put a hot wire to my head
Cos of the things I did and said
And made these feelings go away
A model citizen in every way
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy

Rise - John Lydon

Today's lesson is that temper tantrums can be fun for the person having them, but not for the people around them. Sigh.

Um, there are more lines to the song, but I think that the general idea comes across.

Tomorrow, I write an entry in the style of Dr. Seuss or maybe not.

Ten more months until Christmas. I can hardly wait.

