Saturday Mishaps

So much more happened later Saturday afternoon. First of all I found out why Brenda was so curt with me on the phone. Her boss was standing right next to when she was on the phone and had to make it short.

She also surprised me by coming home half an hour earlier. I had not eaten yet and we were off to the laundromat. Once the clothes were in the machines, we were off in search of food.

Then something happened in the restaurant. Either I was supposed to pay for everything even though she said that she would buy her own or some other subtle clue missed me. Brenda went silent for the next three hours.

I asked her if I had done something wrong and she said no. I asked her if something was bothering her and she said no. I asked if she wanted to talk about something and she said no.

I decided that I had exhausted my options and enjoyed the silence.

The laundry was folded and put away when we got home. The dishes were done and she fell asleep.

When she woke we decided to go look for the movie that she wanted so badly. As soon as we closed the door, I looked at her and shook my head. My keys were inside on the table and so were hers. We had locked ourselves out.

Brenda called her aunt on her cell phone and asked her to bring over the spare key that Brenda had given her. Soon we were on our way again.

Now with Brenda at my side I went to the same video store that I had been to earlier in the day. The movie was still not there. Then we went to the competition down the street. Victory was ours, because they had the movie that she wanted.

Victory meant that we had to get some ice cream which was fine with me.

Ice cream cone in hand we were on our way home to watch movies and snuggle when the next mishap occurred. Brenda dropped her entire cone in her lap while in my car. Sigh. Thankfully most of the ice cream was on her and very little was on the interior of the car.

So let's review. We did laundry, rented movies, watched movies, ate pizza later that night and snuggled. Not a bad Saturday after all.

Sometimes I might paint Brenda in a poor light here, but I don't really mean it. I really do love her or I wouldn't invest so much of myself in her.

Ugh. My sinuses were so dry and clogged this morning when I woke up. Breathing was a pain and my appetite was gone again. All that I want to do today is rest. So I will not do resumes and I will not go visit my parents today. My mom will have to wait a week for the photos that I scanned for her.

I just want to rest and read this afternoon.

