Three Months With the change to daylight savings time, the morning commute seemed a little darker this morning. Once again I am awake before sunrise, but this really doesn't bother me too much. Its just something that I noticed this morning, because its been a few days since I had to wake up early. Brenda seemed to be feeling better this morning and I know that I am improving as well. I still can not hear out of my right ear. This happens every time that they put me on antibiotics. The nasal passages clear and the throat starts to feel better, but my hearing suffers for a short amount of time. If everything follows the usual pattern, my ear should clear either tomorrow or Wednesday. Nothing seems to have changed at work which really doesn't surprise me either. The most interesting thing lately is the enormous surcharge fees that some of our customers have been requesting on their banking machines. The largest request that I have seen is eighteen dollars and fifty cents per transaction. This fee was for a machine located in a gentleman's club. I guess if someone wants to shove another twenty down some woman's panties, they really don't mind the surcharge amount. As far as I can tell most of the high surcharge fees tend to appear in strip joint locations. Picking on work is too easy for me, so I'll try to tone it down a little. My biggest objection with work is the amount of hypocrisy that I see around me. I guess that I really shouldn't expect much from a business though. Business is built on lies. Yes, I live in a Frank Capra universe and I am still waiting for Clarence to appear and save the day. Sigh. I just like to speak my mind which is why I do this little project. I need an outlet and I am thinking that it will continue beyond a year. I remember how miserable I was at the insurance company and all of the crap that I ate while I was there. People told me that it wasn't so bad there and I thought where did they work before they came here. The best part about my old company is that they paid for my education that got me this better paying job and they were bought out by another company. The managers that annoyed me and were so condescending were the first to feel the ax. I should really shut up before I start to sound even more petty. My general distaste for the world of business in general has been firmly established. To paraphrase a song by Morrissey, it takes strength to be gentle and kind. This could also be seen as the golden rule without all of the religious dogma behind it. One of the best things about my job is that I don't have to speak with any of the customers directly. I had enough of that in the insurance world. I even did it here when I first started, but I no longer want to do that kind of a job anymore. Nor do I have to do it anymore. I have a three day weekend coming this week and I am going to enjoy it. Late yesterday afternoon, I moved my computer over to Brenda's place. I think that this took her by surprise. She was probably doubting that I would ever do it. My computer does mean a great deal to me and I see it as a big gesture on my part. Its my link to other people and things beyond my small bubble of existence that I roam in on a daily basis. Some people see computers as making people more withdrawn, but the computer adds so much more to my life. I can research favorite books and movies from the comfort of my home and at times communicate with people who feel the same way as I do. Then there are the journals that I read with a passion and I am reminded that words are the best thing that man ever created. Wednesday marks the third month that Brenda and I have seeing one another. Tracy and I only lasted three months when we lived together even though we had been seeing one another for about eight months before we lived together. At that point I was tired of going in debt for her and could not trust her. My hope is that there will be far more than three months with Brenda.  