Dream Fragments

I woke this morning with some dream fragments tumbling in my mind. One strong image was of a friend and myself riding in a car. This doesn't sound too unusual except that the car sat on a conveyor belt high in the air. Why I was there or how I got there I do not know. I attribute it to dream logic.

The car wasn't going to fall or anything it just got moved along with the gravel. I can't remember whether or not the conveyor made any sound. Then again sound never really plays that strong a part in my dreams. Sight and touch are much more prominent in my dream world.

The sense of touch can be very real in my dreams. One dream that has stayed with me for years was the one where a witch had me by the ankle. I could feel every finger of her cold hand on my leg. She wanted to drag me somewhere and I couldn't get away. When I woke up I realized that my foot was hanging out from under the blanket and the witch's hand was caused by the cold air. The cot that I was sleeping on was in my grandparents basement in the middle of winter, so it wasn't exactly warm outside of the blankets.

Back to my dream this morning.

After looking around I could tell that I was high above a quarry heading towards some trees at the edge of it. My friend said something to me as we approached the trees, but I don't remember what he said.

I think that most of this imagery is a combination of my recent trip to Great America and my watching The Postman the other day. What I want to know is why does Kevin Costner try so hard with such poor material?

My friend from what I could see was completely unconcerned with where we were and where we might be heading. I, on the other hand, was a little tense, because heights are not something that I enjoy. Most people who do not have a fear of heights misunderstand what is really going through my mind. When I am high above the ground, the thought that I could suddenly launch my body over the rail into freefall loops over and over.

The irrational fear that I could force my body into freefall at any moment plays over and over until I get inside away from the edge. Its all that I can think about until I know that I am safe. What might seem even more strange is that I have no fear of flying. Even looking out of the window is not a problem for me, because I know that I would have to make a serious hole in the plane before I could possibly cast my body out.

Unfortunately that fragment is all that I remember of the dream. The other fragment from this morning is even more vague. Instead of writing them down when I woke up, I decided to shower first. By the time I dried off, the fragments were gone except for this one. Why I was riding a conveyor with someone I have not spoken with in years is beyond me.

Time to read some more Carl Jung.

