E. E. Cummings My current scenario is very familiar to me. I woke this afternoon at around three and wondered why my mail arrives so late. As far as I can tell, I must be late on the route, because ever since I have lived here very seldom does it arrive before four in the afternoon. Waiting for my mail has become the first routine of the day for me again. Then once the mail has arrived I spend the next two hours slowly coming to life as I scan my mail. The afternoon has become the early morning for me where I shuffle around the house. The world of third shift is very natural for me. Any anxiety that I might have before I went in last night is gone. The people and atmosphere of third shift is so relaxed compared to what happens during the day. With the few hours of overlap that I have in the morning, I still have an opportunity to learn new things. Third shift does mean that I am completely cut off from everyone. Yes, I was a little disoriented this morning when I got home, but I know that I made the right decision. In an effort to keep my mind active and to get a better understanding of poetry I have been reading a poem a day. I open the book to a random poem and start reading. The only poet that I have really read would be Frost with some Eliot here and there. What I read confuses me and makes me wonder at the same time. Words are so important to me and I am always impressed with what can be done with them. Now when I read I am free from any outside opinions. There is no discussion group. There are no questions to answer except the ones that I ask myself. Being on third shift has let me have my quiet time again. I can sit and read with some classical music in the background before I go to work. I have my moment to just be me and relax. True, part of me would like to be holding someone, but that doesn't seem to be happening now.   audio input at the moment: classical music station