In bed by noon I'm not sure if it matters, but I have started writing these entries in the early morning hours when I am still at work. I have the time and the words seem to flow better for me at that time of the day. Of course I run into the same problem I did at my last job. Either I retype the entire entry at home or save it to a floppy and do the cross platform dance. If I didn't fear big brother so much I would email it home. For the past two nights, I've caught parts of the Ken Burns' documentary on Frank Lloyd Wright. From what I saw I'm not sure what kind of opinion I have of his work or the man himself. Wright is from Wisconsin and I feel that I should know more about him than I do. Unfortunately I wasn't really paying that close of attention when it was on the television. Nothing was really registering in my brain. It was there, but I certainly wasn't processing any of the incoming data. The next Burns documentary that I want to see is about Mark twain, but it won't be out until the fall of the year two thousand and one. According to the world of science fiction television, next year we can expect the moon to be ripped out of earth's orbit. At least Martin Landau will be there to guide us and I have to wonder if he is still up to the task. As for me, I'll be hanging out with the woman who transforms into a cat every so often. At least I think that it was a cat. She was some kind of shape shifter, if it wasn't a cat. Shadows of my plants line the walls of my living room as I huddle under blankets dumbly watching television. The glow of light arcs across the barrel ceiling making it seem even more cave like than in the day. All that is missing are some painted animal figures on the walls to complete the transformation. The opening of The English Patient comes to mind. Another possibility would be to paint some reproductions of panels from the Sistine Chapel. Some scale changes would have to be made in the figures, but the effect would be great. There was a moment last night when I thought about calling Brenda, but that was as far as it went. I never even picked up the phone. I don't know what to say anymore. Maybe everything that needed to be said has been said. I could create any number of conversations in my head, but that won't change anything. There were reasons that I was unhappy with her and those won't change either. I also know that someone will come along and erase most of what I am feelingnow. Its all just a matter of time and my life moving forward again. I spoke with California Dan and he said that the album is coming along. What intrigued me was that there are two cover songs on it. One of them is a Hawaiian surf version of The Sound of Silence that I have to hear when I am there in January. The other cover song is Bus Stop by The Hollies.  