maybe over here Looking back at the entries I wrote a year ago at this time, it would seem that I have changed very little as a person. True, I did have a different job back then and I complained about it most of the time, but my daily activities were very much the same. A prime example would be that I was caulking my porch door almost to the day a year ago. I'm not too sure whether or not this bothers me. Then as the new year began Brenda entered into my life and everything changed. Almost overnight I was part of a couple once again. There was someone in my life to hold and talk with everyday. My daily routine became a shared one with new tasks. Quite simply she became the center of my world. So if the cycle truly repeats itself, another woman from my past should fall into my life in the next few weeks. Maybe it is time to address the girlfriend, lover, soulmate and or future spouse issue. No, I have not met anyone and I am uncertain if I want to meet someone right now. Without a doubt seeing someone has positive and negative elements to it. The key is finding the right person where the negative elements don't seem that important. The hours that I keep have prevented me from meeting anyone new and with my trip coming up soon I doubt that much will happen until February. I do know that if I meet someone, they will not appear here unless they want to be here. There has to be a better harmony between her and this journal than what happened the last time. A guest entry might even be a possibility this time around. I contemplated rearranging the furniture in my place this afternoon. I thought that maybe I should make a change for the new year. I had my tape measure in hand and was measuring most of my larger pieces of furniture trying to visualize everything in a different spot. It seemed like a reasonable symbolic gesture, but then I started to think about it some more and the reasons not to change the layout began to outweigh the reasons to change it. First of all, my stereo sounds great where I have it now. The acoustics in my livingroom are perfect for watching television or listening to music. If I moved everything to the other side of the house, the space would be bigger and may not sound the same. Another problem with the move would be a phone jack for the computer. There are only two of them in the house and neither of them is in my livingroom where I was thinking of moving my desk. If I didn't move the desk it would be a tight squeeze in what would be my new livingroom. The television and the computer just can't coexist in the same room. To make some room in what would be my new livingroom, I could do away with the nineteen fifties dining room table which I very seldom use for eating. Instead of eating at the table I use it as a place to get my food ready, because counter space is sparse in my bachelor kitchen. More often than not I eat sitting on the floor in the livingroom, where I can watch television to help me digest my food. The final reason not to move the furniture is that I wouldn't be able to watch the moon cross the sky while lying on my couch if it was on the north side of the house. Nor could I soak up the rays of the sun in the afternoon as I fall asleep for the day. Four more books that I ordered from came in the mail today. On the news I saw that some people had problems with their orders being filled, but not me. I am a firm believer in online shopping. Maybe this will change when something bad hapens to me, but until then I have no complaints.  