works well with others I wish that I could better explain why my job is annoying me so much lately. I suppose on the surface very little has changed and this bothers me. To be more precise what probably changed was me and I thought that everything else would as well. Maybe my trip to California shook my life up more than I thought it did. I just seem to be less tolerable of things now that I am back. I was jokingly telling a coworker how to survive the day at work. My two pieces of advice were go with the flow and then nod and smile. The sad part is that this works really well most of the time. It isn't as though I hate my job, I just can't seem to muster a facade of cheeriness at work. The technique of nod and smile generally does get me through the night, but it isn't something that I enjoy doing. I need to calm down again or focus my energy elsewhere.  