foreign television For the past few nights at work I have had to answer questions for the new guy who works the shift before me. Here I am a mere five months into my job and I am training someone else on how to do things. I suppose that I could take pride in the responsibility, but there is only so much that I can tell him. The same thing happened to me at my last job and it is frustrating, because I want to learn more yet they expect me to teach someone else. The project that I was handed earlier this week is a nice time killer, but my boss suggested that maybe I should divide it with the second shift guy. When the second shift guy asked me about it I hestitated enough that he suggested that I keep it for myself. Maybe he saw my project as being too boring, but at least I have something to keep me busy for a few days. I think that the ideal job for me besides working for myself would be a job where I was sent to a new customer site to do installations. The company would teach me their package and send me somewhere new every few months. This way I would be able to see new things yet have a steady job at the same time. I would also be free of office politics and have the illusion of being self employed. I wish that I had a better idea of what is in store for me in the coming months at work. In my spare time I have been casually looking at the job market to see what is out there for me. It doesn't hurt to look when I have the chance. Last night at work a woman was describing to me what it felt like to be pregnant. It was something that she wanted, but it wasn't quite what she expected. I'm not sure what to do with this information. I think the only way that I could justify having cable would be to watch television from other countries. Television takes on a whole new dimension when you can't understand what anyone is saying. It really does become a visual medium where I am the alien outsider trying to understand what is happening. Commercials are very entertaining in a foreign language. The people will be talking and then suddenly the English product name jumps out at me. Now I am sure that I am degrading the culture by seeing it this way, but Gigante has to be the most bizarre thing that I watch on the Spanish channel. From what I can tell it is a combination game show, dance contest, singing showcase with some candid camera stuff and plain old fashioned Latin America style cheesecake thrown into the mix. For example tonight they had five women in a best legs contest. Each of them wore a costume that only exposed their legs. Their upper body and face was hidden. The costumes were a present, a moon, a hat, a heart and a flower. Then the host asked memebers of the audience which one they thought was the best of the group. Once a winner was chosen the costumes were removed and the winner was handed a cash prize. To be fair they also had five men later in the show. Years ago I used to read Love and Rockets by the Hernandez brothers, but I still don't understand the whole Mexican wresting mask thing. On Gigante they have one of these characters and I'm not sure if he is supposed to a Shakespearan fool type or not. The meaning behind it escapes me. I adjust my sleeping schedule on a whim. Today I woke up early so that I had seven hours before I had to go into work instead of the usual four that I had most of the week. I'm not sure why Sheryl Crow was on some comedy program tonight, but I loved the version of My Favorite Mistake that she did. It was mint.  