Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


flush without fear

Not being able to flush the toilet or take a shower at my house put a damper on today. I would have appreciated some kind of message from my landlord indicating when he expected someone to come and work on the problem. Unfortunately this was not the case. No message was left for me.

Since I find taking a shower pleasant and have a certain fondness for indoor plumbing, I spent most of the afternoon at my parents house where these features were available. While I was there I finally got a hold of my landlord who told me that the guy had come out about an hour and a half after I had left and fixed the problem.

Once again I can flush the toilet without the fear of it coming back up into the basement.

audio input at the moment: Static and Silence - The Sundays
written input at the moment: Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier
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