Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


a poor effort

I almost feel as though I should apologize for the choppiness of my entries lately. They have been more fragmented than usual for me and uploaded later and later in the following day. What happens is that I jot down some mental fragments and tell myself that I will flesh them out later on before I upload. Unfortunately what was once a reliable process has been taking longer and longer with less and less impressive results. What I write may make complete sense to me, but is probably garbled to anyone else. The transformation from mental notes to cohesive essay has been breaking down too frequently.

I suppose that none of this should bother me, but it does. I won't try to pass off poor writing as something avant garde or artistic. The simple truth is that my focus on the journal has become unclear and I know that I can do better. I even started to question my interest in the journal, but I won't abandon it. I just need to devote a little more time here.

Icicles hung from the passenger side mirror on my car rendering it uselss. Other shafts of ice hung from the bottom of the door and fused it to the ground. During the course of the day my car got caught in the melting ice dripping down from the roof and became part of a natural ice scuplture. It may have looked interesting, but it wasn't very practical for driving.

Surface abrasions. I seem to be accumulating quite a few of them lately. A recent inspection of my body found two new ones. A small ridge of scar tissue has replaced the three cuts on my right index finger. The continual friction of me reaching into my pocket had created this mark. I am sure that in time the skin will go back to normal, but for now it is very noticeable.

The other brand that I gave myself is on my left arm. Two parallel lines cross my arm right where a tattoo would go. The cause of this mark came from when I walked into a circuit board sticking out from a shelf at work Thursday night. At the time I just mumbled some curses under my breath and hoped that I didn't draw blood. I didn't know that I had branded myself. I guess that I should be grateful that I didn't have a tattoo there or it would be forever altered.

written input at the moment: Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier
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