Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


summer siblings

With the week ending on a positive note, I walked out of work this morning feeling good. The shining sun was a clear indication of the warm weather that they had predicted for the next few days and it had arrived just in time for my weekend. However before I could fully relax I had some errands that I wanted to do.

The first thing that I did was search for a new bike trail. Last year I stayed on trails within the city, but I want something more rural this year. I am tired of dealing with cars when I am on a bike. I am not nearly that dedicated of a rider when it comes to traffic.

My second task was something more mechanical in nature. I let my paranoia take over this morning and changed the lock on my house. It was simple and I feel much better having done it. Now I can go away without fear of my downstairs neighbors rummaging through my place while I am gone. They seem to be unclear on the concept of trespassing and if they try again it will be breaking and entry.

Once again I ventured out to my parents place for the day. Everything is so much more open there and I can relax outside in peace. When I sit outside at my place, the feeling isn't the same. There are too many people around and I just want to be somewhere free from the noises of the city.

When I was outside in the sun it felt that summer was here or at least it was pretending that it was here. The heat isn't scorching and the wind still has a slight chill in it.

My brother was home for some military stuff and I am amazed at the different directions that my siblings have chosen compared to me. When I was his age the military as an option never crossed my mind. I would rather pay for college than sign my life over to the government, but he seems to be happy with his decision. Soon he is off to Texas where he will be near my sister who also chose the military as a way of paying for college.

Each of my siblings are at a stage of life that I passed years ago and I can't help remembering where I was in life at that age. Two of them are in the military and one of them has a child. None of that is part of my experience. We share the same parents, but there are times when they seem so different from me. Maybe I am the odd man out. I can't be sure.

I might be getting some of the oil paintings that I did in college back from my parents. My mom said that she was going to redecorate the family room and that I could take them with me. They were with me when I first left college, but I left them with my parents when Tracy and I moved in together. There just wasn't enough room for them in our tiny place. It will be good to have them back and maybe I'll be motivated to paint again.

Ever since I moved here my walls have been bare. I just didn't want to go through the hassle of asking the landlords if I could make nail holes in the walls. Of course when I moved here I had no idea that I would be here as long as I have been. Then for a time it looked as though I might be living with my last girlfriend so wall decorations were a low priority for me.

book: To the Wedding - John Berger
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