lost momentum So I finally allowed myself to miss an entry. Oh, I know that this really isn't that big of an issue, but it is the first day that I missed all year. Until yesterday I managed to get something here as a record of what happened even on some of the most boring or active days. Unfortunately all that I had scribbled down for yesterday was a short defense of why I liked the Phantom Menace, which seemed a little odd when my initial review cited the costuming as the best part of the film. In my essay I was going to illustrate how scenes that appear in Phantom Menace mirror events we saw in episode four of the Star Wars saga, but I changed my mind. Lately work has been very busy for me and has left me little time to compose an entry. Then when I get home, I just want to eat and go to sleep. I just don't seem to have the energy to compose some coherent thoughts. I suppose that I could offer up some random ideas and try to pass it off as free verse, but that isn't me.