Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


in the front row

The telephone woke me at three in the afternoon, but I went back to sleep and the dreams started to begin as I woke in two hour intervals. Once I was fully awake, the details faded away much too quickly.

All that I can remember from one of them is that my girlfriend and I were traveling on a train to somewhere, but I don't know where since I never looked out the window in the dream. The two of us were sitting in a booth eating some food and looking at the other passengers, one of whom was changing her clothes. My girlfriend told me not to look.

We seemed very happy together and I have to wonder if I'll see her again in another dream. She was unlike anyone that I know and I guess that is what made her so appealing to me.

The worst part about my dreams is that I can never remember the dialogue. The woman and I were talking for minutes in the dream, but I can't remember a word that we said to one another. I wonder if she told me anything important.

A friend from work gave me a book to read about a man who goes fly fishing across Russia. It might sound a little odd, but the people that he meets while he is there certainly makes it interesting. The Russian people are so poor after the collapse of communism that they will do anything to make money off of the American crossing their path. He is a modern traveller crossing a land mired in a previous century.

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