Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


america changed

In the early morning hours, I finished reading Postcards by E. Annie Proulx and it felt good. Whenever I get to the end of a book that I like there is a certain amount of satisfaction and sadness at the same time. The world that I was so involved in for a time suddenly comes to an abrupt end and I get pushed back into reality. Of course I can go back and read the book again, but the events will be fixed the next time around.

I think that it was the Steinbeck approach to post World War II America and its effect on the Blood family that appealed to me the most about Postcards. That era in history always fascinates me, because America went from an agrarian society to an industrial one. Everything changed and some people just couldn't adapt to the new world. So being able to watch the slow decline of the various family members through the years made sense to me. Some people might see it as depressing, but so much of life is filled with tragedy. My grandma is fond of saying that it's a good life as long as you don't weaken and I agree with her.

Work has been starting to drag for me and I know that it is time for a break. Even with my boss gone for the past few days, it was still a long week. Part of me knows that I've reached my two to three month limit of how much I can stand being at the same place. I just need to get away for a short amount of time and the destination doesn't really matter. Instead of a trip out of state, I'll just head to the northern part of Wisconsin for a few days. Thankfully I asked off for a few days in the beginning of November.

After work I made a trip to the local hardware store for some plumbing supplies. As a further complication of the diarrhea incident from yesterday, the handle of the toilet broke from what was probably a few too many hasty flushes. Once I knew what was broke, I decided to fix the problem myself rather than call my landlord. First of all I did not want to explain how or why the handle on my toilet had broke. I also felt that I could probably fix it myself and after I found what I needed at the store I did

I fell asleep at noon only to wake a mere three hours later. For some unknown reason something is still not quite right with my body. The small amount of sleep that I got wasn't very good and I felt worse than I had before I fell asleep.

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