Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


sleeping sunday

I didn't sleep for very long on Saturday which made staying awake at work a real struggle. More than once my head fell down to my chest only to snap upwards a few moments later. At least no one was around to see me and for that I am grateful.

When I finally woke up at work, I started reading Looking for China written by Judy Schultz. It gives me another perspective on China to add to the Michael Palin version that I have in my head and the somewhat romantic version given to me by The Last Emperor, a film that I love.

Rain wanted to become snow as I drove home from work this morning, but it didn't. Even with the temperature hovering near the freezing mark for the past week or so, it still feels a little too soon for it to happen. Maybe at Christmas I'll be ready for snow, but I can wait a few more weeks.

Then I slept the rest of Sunday away.

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