Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


some random events

Work handed out the company Christmas present this week. Last year it was a small portable radio cassette player. The year before that it was a gumball machine. So most of us have been wondering what direction they would go this year.

Now that I have it, I almost wish that they hadn't bothered. Rather than one large more expensive gift, they gave us two smaller ones, neither of which is very impressive or useful. One of them is a small pewter Christmas ornament with the company logo on the back and the other one is a holiday jazz cd. I have yet to listen to the cd for fear that it is the same stuff that they have been piping in over the company muzak for the past month.


A summons for jury duty in January arrived last week Friday and I was a little surprised to see it considering I got one less than two years ago.

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