Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


day one

9:00 am

After having the most fun that I can remember at work, I have to say that I feel good this morning. Most of the night was spent either eating food or talking with people instead of having to worry about any computer problems. From my point of view, it was a night without flaws and I am fairly certain that tonight will be just as smooth.

More later after I get some sleep.

6:45 pm

I was so tired when I got home from work this morning and it wasn't from drinking. I think it was from all of the food that I ate. Since the company is being fully staffed all weekend, the cafeteria is serving breakfast, lunch and dinner to keep people happy and I took advantage of it. I have never been one to pass up free food.

The most unusual thing about the night was all of the people milling around in my department. When I first walked into the room last night, a small crowd of upper management was gathered in front of the cable television watching MSNBC. Then after the midnight hour passed the crowd slowly dispersed, while the rest of us sat around and supposedly worked.

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