Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


no more droning

Even I am getting sick of the quality of my recent journal entries. I try not to sound so dull, but my mind really was a blank for the past few days. Whatever I saw and did for those days just wasn't registering too deeply on my mind. Everything was pure routine and thought was kept to a minimum. So as a result of this limited brain activity words were more of a struggle than usual for me, but I think that sorry frame of mind has run its course.

I suppose that I could have mentioned some of the odd work conversations that I have had this week. Topics have ranged from Pokemon and Dragonball Z to the Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall film To Have And To Have Not. Then there was some talk about Douglas Coupland with one coworker who had an advance copy of Miss Wyoming in paperback form. So even though in the past I have said that there aren't any people at work who are like the ones I knew on college, I still can talk with them and have fun. Work has been great lately and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So often I feel as though I come across as a complete misanthrope here, which would be wrong. I do indeed talk to people and get out every once in a while, but I will also admit that the amount of fun in my life has been limited lately. Some of this is due to work and some of it is my own fault. I am trying to keep my spending in check as I build toward my Europe trip, but I know that I also need a small break from work soon.

Insert six hours of sleep here.

Even though my life might be a little uneventful at the moment, I still have to say that I like it. I wouldn't say that I am caught in an overwhelming bouncing off of the walls kind of happy, but if I were to go down the usual list of things that a person wants in their life, I would have to say that I have most of them. Two good examples would be my job and where I live.

Without a doubt my job is going really well and by the end of this year I'll have in a little over two years with the company. As to how much longer after that I'll stay is hard to say. Maybe by that time I'll be ready to move on to somewhere else.

Besides liking my job, I also like where I live, but that also might change by the end of the year. Even though owning a house does have its share of problems, it might just be a more attractive option for me later in the year.

I guess that I see myself at a good starting point to make changes in my life if I feel the need to do so, but I could just as easily maintain my current status and not feel like I was lacking something.

Now that I've read further into it, I think that was a little hasty in judging Bad Land.

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