some fresh air Despite the great weather that we are having here in Wisconsin I didn't get to enjoy that much of it, because I spent most of today operating on autopilot, which isn't that unusual for me on a Monday. The worst part is that I thought that it started off on a fairly good note. After accidentally falling asleep at my parents' house, I drove home shortly before sunrise. With my reversed schedule, more often than not the only time that I get to see a sunrise is on my days off. Now if I worked a nine to five shift sunrise would probably be a daily event for me, but I don't. Instead of being on the road for sunrise, I'm sequestered in a windowless room when most of them take place. On the other hand there is something to be said for not being a regular participant in the morning rush hour as I found out this morning. I was about a mile or two from my house when I avoided being in an accident. I clearly had the green light and another car about a fifty yards ahead of me had gone through the intersection moments before I did. Neither of these facts seemed to make an impression on the moron who decided to make a left turn from my right side just as I was crossing the intersection. I swerved to avoid him and uttered some curses. About the only thing that the moron did was pause briefly possibly in an effort to figure out why I was there when he was making a turn. I guess he didn't have enough coffee yet to recognize the color red at the intersection. Not to take too much away from the great weather, it still doesn't seem right to me. I mean when I look around, everything is still dead. Brown lawns and bare trees are not spring as far as I am concerned, nor do I expect that to change for another month or two.