Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


hot in wisconsin

When I left my parents' house yesterday morning, I had to scrape frost off of my car, but by the end of the day I was sweating outside. Today was even better with temperatures forty degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. Part of me knows that winter will come back at least one more time this season, but that wasn't obvious today.

After being in a daze for the past two days, I could actually think today and the first thing that I wanted was to get outside as much as possible. I wanted to get a full sample of the weather that I know will be gone by the end of the week.

Not only did I want to be outside, but I wanted to do something active. For the past few months I have done close to nothing as far as exercise and that has to change. I know that I have all of this energy, but I never do anytihng with it. It seems like I have been hibernating for so long. The bike was an option, but the winter had left the tires a little flat so I opted for a nice walk around the neighborhood.

It was nice just walking around the neighborhood, but odd at the same time. There was a wam blue sky free of clouds, yet all of the trees still look dead.

The hours that I spent outside today were probably the longest that I have been outside since last fall, but it was something that I needed. Just the simple pleasure of being able to sit on my porch and look at the sky made my day. Not having to work also helped.

It wasn't a day for thinking. It was a glimpse into the lazy summer days that are still months away.

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