Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


hobson's choice

For the first time since February I saw a play tonight. It wasn't something that I knew or had even heard of before this season, but it was pleasant enough. In the summary they likened it to a comedic King Lear which I could see. Both plays have an old man with three daughters, but that is about where the similarity ends. For the most part it is about class struggle more than anything else with the one daughter Maggie engineering the most changes.

It isn't that I didn't enjoy the performance. These people do put on a professional show. I just didn't find the story that interesting. For the most part I was focusing more on the individual performances than the story as a whole.

What made a bigger impression on me is how well I have come to recognize most of the company after only one season. Not only do I know their faces, but I can recite their names as well. Then again I've always had a talent for remembering names and faces.

Earlier this week I had thought about renewing my tickets for the new season in the fall and then later in the week they mailed me the paperwork. I guess that this makes sense considering that there is only one play left this season. If they want to keep their current audience base they have to do it now while the current season is still fresh in their minds.

I briefly wondered why they didn't have a summer season, but maybe people don't want to sit inside for hours when the weather is nice. I doubt that they are competing with the festival crowd. I might be wrong, but something tells me that the people who stand around with their beer guts hanging out are not the same people who have season tickets for the Milwaukee Repertory.

Another option this summer is to take the two hour drive west this summer to see some outdoor Shakespeare theatre.

Someone at work asked me if I wanted to learn how to play Mah Jong. At first I was a little hestitant, but now I think that it might be fun. Of course I also have to get the images of The Joy Luck Club out of my head.

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