no matter what After another night at work where I struggled to stay awake, I calmly settled into my couch and watched a nice black and white movie before I fell asleep. It was the sight of a very young Jimmy Stewart that caught my eye as I was flipping through the channels. I didn't recognize the woman in the movie with him though. It wasn't until later when I did a search online that I discovered that it was Carole Lombard. For the most part I agree with the review that I found in my search. The movie was pretty good up until the end. After a three day weekend, I don't think that I was ready to go back to work. Not only was my ass dragging last night, but I have been having problems at work all week. Each lunch hour has been spent with my head firmly planted into my arm on one of the tables in the cafeteria. I try not to wake up with an impression of my sleeve on my face, but it doesn't always work. Maybe if I had practiced more in high school like I saw other people doing in study hall, I wouldn't have to worry so much. I seem to be stuck in a seventies phase in dowloading mp3 files. Badfinger and Wings are two popular choices at the moment and I'm not sure why either. It isn't as though I owned these albums when I was little, my parents did. After a sound seven hours of sleep, I woke this evening feeling the best that I had in days.