moody monday From what I have read in other online journals, I seem to be one of the few people who didn't mind the start of daylight savings yesterday. Then again most people don't keep the same jours that I do. Today, however, I undid most of that smooth adjustment by oversleeping. Ten hours of sleep is far too much for me and not only leaves me feeling woozy, but it also makes my face breakout. Something about smashing my face into the pillow for an extended length of time is not good for my complexion. Five hours or somewhere around there is fine, but ten is too much. The extended amount of sleep also gave me some strange dreams, but I only remember part of one. For some reason I was trapped in a mall where people lived. Not only did people live there, but they also had a mass transit system composed of what looked like go carts to me. Rather than going out to see a matinee this afternoon, I stayed home to watch the copy of Saving Private Ryan that I had borrowed from my sister. It was the first time that I had seen the movie since I saw it in the theater almost two years ago. The main reason why I wanted to see it again was to see which soldier was Vin Diesel, the guy from Pitch Black. Most of the day was spent in a funk where I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do. Since I am still trying to save as much money as possible for the trip to Europe I keep limiting my options. It isn't as though I spend huge amounts of money on my weekends, but I keep rethinking all of that major purchases that I want to make and in the end I don't spend anything. What this means is that both the cd burner and or digital camera are on hold until after I get back from my trip. I am also taking a break from Amazon and Ebay until I get back from the trip. At the moment saving money does not make me happy. I suppose this makes me seem pathetic that so much of my happiness comes from material things, but quite often it does. I freely admit that I like to buy books, music and movies. These are the things that I do to occupy my spare time and I don't think that will change either.