some april snow Part of me liked the longer rambling style of yesterday's entry, but I can't make any promises that I will be able to maintain that level of output. I know other online journal writers who do entries of that length on a daily basis, but it isn't as simple for me. Then there is also the fact that I generally subscribe to the less is more theory. I am starting to get mildly upset with my brother about our future trip to Europe. As of now nothing definite has been decided. We haven't agreed on any dates or specific places yet and I am getting impatient. If I was going by myself I would have most of those decisions done by now, but I have to consult with him all of the time. My current impression is that he is going to rely mainly on his friend to guide him and that frees him up from having to make any plans, but that doesn't really help me. From what I understand we may very well just fly over and wander from hostel to hostel, which is okay I suppose except that I need a date to plan around. Unlike my brother I do have a job that I want to keep and they need to know when I am going to be gone this summer. Lately my taste in music has gone back to more of a folk sound with my most recent purchase being a Nick Drake cd. After hearing the song Pink Moon in the VW commercial I downloaded as many mp3 files of his that I could find, but since I don't own a cd burner, I couldn't listen to them in my car and decided to purchase the cd. Then from Nick Drake I wandered off to Paula Cole. I remember hearing her two big songs a few years back, but neither of them did that much for me. Then after reading some positives reviews of her new album, I decided to download something else by her. The one song that I chose was Carmen. A friend of mine is convinced that the record companies never release the right song from an album and part of me agrees with him. I imagine that they are looking for the song with the widest appeal, but this certainly isn't the best song on most albums. Carmen falls into that category. If that had been the song that I heard first from Paula I would have bought the album in an instant. Neither the theme to Dawson's Creek or the cowboy song did anything for me, but seeing her on an episode on Austin City Limits did let me hear a different side of her. She seemed more impressive than what those two songs had to offer and somehow that stayed in the back of my mind. Carmen may or may not have been what I heard that night on the program. When I mentioned my new interest in Paula Cole, a coworker responded that she didn't shave her armpits. Personally I have no idea how this might affect her singing ability, but that was what he said. Now after doing some more research I guess that what he said is true, but it really isn't that important to me. I find it strange that every so often I get drawn to what some might call granola women, but I never seem to date them. In fact my last girlfriend was business oriented to the extreme, which was part of why we are not together any more. The coworker also said that some people had described Paula as a femi-nazi, but I put that out of my mind as well. I try to separate as much of the criticism as I can from the artist so that I can form my own opinion. For example, there were eighty-six reviews of her Grammy winning album on Amazon ranging from pure spite to adoration, but none of those people are me. Besides I don't care for any kind of label when it comes to people. I like to think of a person as a person and not as a representation of an idea. Eleven in the morning and snow is coating the budding trees and green grass. Winter has returned for the day and might possibly bring eight to ten inches of snow with it. Safe and warm inside my house I am rather enjoying it considering that it was forty degrees warmer yesterday. I'll know more when I wake later this evening and go to work.