Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


through the bathroom window

Part of the night was spent flirting with someone that I shouldn't be near if I know what is good for me and I do in fact know better. Now the trick is to keep telling myself that even though I find her very attractive and think that she is funny, nothing good will come out of me getting any closer to her. There are numerous warning signs that I need to keep in mind whenever I see her. Foremost of these is the small matter of her already being involved with someone else who she just had a baby boy with last year. Actually that is reason enough to run away as fast as possible.

As much fun as I have making her giggle and giving her an occasional neck massage it will have to be the limit. It doesn't matter how good she smells or how she models her hair for me, I need to stay away unless I want a world of grief to come crashing down on me.

Obviously the two of them are having problems and she isn't getting the attention that she wants at home and wants someone to listen to her. I went through this same scenario almost five years ago with a different woman and I will not repeat it. Nice girl, but way too many problems. The old bad girl, me nice guy thing just isn't going to happen anymore. I no longer try to solve someone else's problems.


Through the course of talking with another coworker this morning, it seems that my twenty-one year old coworker is not only grumbling at night but during the day as well. She said that the day crew has also noticed his lack of enthusiasm for the past few months and have had to listen to him whine on and on about him never having a Friday night off. Hearing this made me feel much better, because I felt that it was just me getting this treatment from him.


From the sounds that I heard this afternoon, it would seem that my downstairs neighbors had some kind of domestic dispute. At first there was some shouting coming up through the floor. Then there was some door slamming. Finally it all ended with a car peeling out of the driveway. I have no real idea what happened except that within the span of fifteen minutes my sleep was over for the day. There was no way that I was going to be able to go back to sleep.

The husband returned about an hour later and cut the lawn, so I guess that whatever happened was somehow solved.


Since I am a pop culture junkie, here are some recent topics that caught my eye. I was happy to hear that George Lucas finally chose an actor to play Anakin for Episode II. I was angry at hearing that someone stole the gates at Strawberry Fields. Then hearing that Metallica is fighting Napster made me laugh.

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