Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


no background music

I would have wrote more about yesterday, but by the time that I finally got around to writing, my mind was all messed up from sleeping in random spurts. Let me back the story up to explain it a little better. By two-thirty in the morning everyone at my parents' house had gone to sleep, but I wanted to watch the end of the movie Night on Earth before I left for home. Even though I own a copy of it, I hadn't seen it in years and once I start watching a movie I have to see it to the end. Then when the movie ended I took a nap and left for home at six in the morning. At first I thought that that was enough sleep, but once I got home I took another nap from ten in the morning to one in the afternoon. So by the time that I woke up for the second time most of the details from yesterday were lost. Such is the life of someone who works third shift, but I still think that it is worth it.

I also think that anyone who has read the journal for any length of time should know by now that I have off days. Sure I could have left yesterday blank, but the anal part of me still likes to have at least something to mark the day no matter how minimal it might be. I'll also admit that the journal has a much more calm feel to it now than it did when I was dating my last girlfriend. Explosive entries of me complaining about her were quite common and probably made for more interesting reading. I know that I shouldn't pay attention to these things but my hits have really gone down since those days. So maybe to correct this trend I should have a spicy affair when I go to Europe with some Italian or German woman.

One detail that I neglected to mention yesterday was the I met my sister's fiance for the third time. He seems nice enough and we get along well, but I still can not imagine being engaged at twenty, but then again my sister is not me and being with him makes her happy.

Before I fell asleep for the second time this morning, I watched the second Real World reunion that my family had taped for me. Yes, I know many people hate that program, but I do still have a soft spot for it. In fact years ago I applied to be a cast member for what eventually became the San Francisco segment. Of course I didn't make the cut and never had the chance to meet Rachel or punch Puck to the ground. If I would have made the cast maybe I would have married her instead of Sean another Wisconsin native.

I have to wonder what kind of business that Sean does with his law firm in Hayward, because there is very little there beyond that lumberjack contest that they featured on the program. The only other thing that Hayward is famous for is the museum in the shape of a Musky, where people enter by walking through the mouth of the fish. Personally I am surprised that Rachel was willing to settle for the quiet life in northern Wisconsin, but what do I know.

Oh, I know that they dramatize the events on the program, but I do still find the people to be interesting. I also like the appeal of getting into contact with so many unique and talented people which is certainly absent from my current situation. Somehow my world has shrunk down to about two dozen people whose behaviors I know inside and out, but I'm probably not unique in my situation. So many people settle into a groove and just accept what they consider to be fate or some other such nonsense.

I'm not sure how I would react to being thrust into a house with six strangers. Part of me would like to think that I would be the elder stateman just chuckling at the rest of the house and their antics, but that is just one possility. More than likely the sudden shock of having housemates would be too much for me. I sincerely like my privacy and that would be something hard to give up. Every day would be a struggle between my need to be alone and my desire to have weird things happen around me. Of course I'll probably get an odd blend of those things on my trip to Europe.

Personally I would really like to see a Real World season done in Milwaukee, but if they ever did do a Midwestern version it would probably be done in either Chicago or Minneapolis instead of here. Corner bars and bowling alleys don't provide that much drama.


For me the most interesting part of the program is hearing what the cast did after the show. Some of them are catapulted further into what I think are fun careeers while others just kind of fade away back into normalcy.

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