Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


another cast member

Some other things occurred to me about the whole Real World experience. If I ever did become a cast member I think that my ratio of downtime versus any real drama would be pretty high. Most of the time they would find me just sitting reading. Although to make things more interesting for the camera, I suppose that I could up my frequency of outbursts a notch or two. Then there is the added benefit of having someone else pay my rent for months and not having to have a job. Being free of those responsibilities would probably alter my behavior a little and make me more outgoing.

Today was a quiet end to a really productive weekend for me. Not only did I get things done, but I also managed to not spend any money in the process.

Late this morning I made another trip to the library for some more travel information. This time I came away with some stuff on Paris, which I had been avoiding. I've heard all of those stories about how they treat tourists and I really don't find much there that I want to see anyway. Yes, they have the Louvre, but as for enjoying the French cuisine, I could care less.

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